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Supporting wildlife conservation

5 years ago

The Parc Animalier d’Auvergne, based in my native region in the middle of France, is a wildlife centre deeply engaged in conservation efforts of endangered species, both locally and around the world through its Passerelle Conservation cooperation programme with more than a dozen partner organisations, to which this year it aims to contribute €100,000.-

As many other institutions and businesses in these times of crisis, its doors are currently shut depriving it of regular income from the sale of admission tickets and guided visits. But its 350 animals from 70 different species (of which 60% are endangered in their natural habitats) must still be fed and taken care of.

In light of this, with my agent Volcanic’Arts we are trying to do our bit by launching an online exhibition of original works especially contributed for the occasion by all the artists that the agency represents. From now until 15 May 2020 we will be donating 40% of profits to the wildlife centre, with a further 20% going towards supporting our agency and gallery, currently closed as most businesses in France and thus put in a delicate, uncertain situation.

Affiche de l'exposition

If you would like to support a cause that unites culture, environment and social solidarity, please take a look at our dedicated page (in French and English) on the Volcanic’Arts website: